Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Return Policy Buzz

Privacy is an important substance when you are accessing our site.

The statement is under the description of the validity of the users, or visitors of the

Hereby, “Return Policy Buzz” should be pronounced as any such similar word to “this site” would be considered as “

“Personal Identifiable Information” Here on this website, on any of the pages. If personal identification information refers to any kind of information that identifies a person. The Personal Identifiable Information which is been collected by the is name & email address.

Personal Identifiable Information does not include information which is collected by the anonymously or by any other form such as demographic information which is not related or connected to an identified individual.

Method of Storage of Personally Identifiable Information? Personally, Identifiable Information Collected by is securely stored in our database. All the data is been stored on the website’s server which is not accessible to any other third party or even employees of policy return.

Does our website use cookies? Yes, cookies which are used on this site are for improving user experience in many ways. Generally, cookies are been stored on the user’s system in order to improve the preferences as it requires by our visitors. 

How does will make use of digital information? makes the use of digital information such as (viz: IP addresses, ISPs,) to make an analysis for the elements of the website, these different elements fo the analysis may include the traffic search, number of active users, Audience session time, Site Searches and many other things.

Here at, how do we keep your Personally Identifiable Information secure? The team fo is familiar with a security policy and practices. The Personally Identifiable Information of our users is only accessible to a limited number of qualified employees for intentional purposes.

They are given access to these credentials which are only accessible to our systems using a password. We also make a regular audit and inspection of our security systems. Form our part, we take reasonable measures to maintain a secure site, in spite of which electronic communications and databases are subject to errors, tampering, and break-ins to which we cannot guarantee or warrant that such events will not take place and we will not be liable to Visitors for any such occurrences. 

How can user update to make any changes in any inaccuracies in Personally Identifiable Information? users may contact to update any inaccuracies in Personally Identification Information by emailing at

How can a User of our site delete their Personally Identifiable Information collected by Our user will be able to delete their Personally Identifiable Information from our database by contacting through email at

However, because of the restore copy or any form of records of deletions, it becomes impossible to delete the information on Visitor’s entry which remains in the form of residual data. When you request to delete the Personally Identifiable Information then this information will be functionally deleted from our database. We will not use in the Personally Identifiable Information relating to that user or visitors in any way.

What happens in case there are amendments made in the Privacy Policy of In the scenario where the privacy policy of changes the users or visitors would be informed for the same with the help of any form of notifications on the home page, or the common content visible on every page. Our subscribed users would get such information on their email.

Furthermore, in case the change in our privacy policy results in the revelation or disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information for any user then same would be notified independently via email or other elements available. Thereafter the user or visitor can approve the request of disclosure or detection of their Personally Identifiable Information.

Links: This website contains links which redirect to other pages. In that case, it should be noted that as these links redirect to other websites so we advise you to read the privacy policy of these websites as it may differ from the one provided by